On Wednesday, April 27, 2011. The southeast of the U.S was heavily affected by a very destructive EF-5 Tornado. The damaged caused has been incalculable. Many are homeless and many without loved ones. That afternoon, we gathered some pillows, blankets, helmets, water and toys for the boys to be distracted with. We got in the hall bathroom of our house and prayed.
It has been the most nerve wracking event in my life, and even though it was a crisis, I found out that I am a very calm person in situations like this. Today I am more than thankful to be alive along with my loved ones. These past days have been very very emotional for me, and my heart aches, while I realize how close this tornado got to us and by all the destruction.
Please pray for all the ones that are displaced and for all the ones that have lost somebody. You can rebuild a home and a business but you can't get a lost life back.
Pictures from Google
If you feel like you want to do something for the city or for the whole affected Southeast area, you can make a donation to www.redcross.org. Every little penny is going to help somebody!