Friday, October 28, 2011

Boosterthon Fun Run

Ok, so this morning we went to see A run the Boosterthon Run at his school. It is an event to raise funds for the school and what an event it was.

This morning PK3, PK4 and K run. Sometime later today the other grades run. It was planned to be done at the soccer fields of the school but it rained, so they moved it to the Elementary gym.

It was nice to see all the kids with the same t-shirt and all the parents and grandparents around waiting to see their little ones run. The kids were excited too, at least ours was. Last night I told him he needed to make sure he finished his meal so he could be the fastest one today and he did. He finished it all! And this morning he was so excited and ate all his breakfast.

The Run only lasted an hour and it was ideal that they run 35 laps, and guess what? Anthony did run the 35 laps! It was so exciting to see him run and speed up every once in a while. He run with such a style. He had his hands in an exact 90 degree angle and hands with a fist for power. He was also very focused :)

Half way through Joe took him to get some water, and then he continued to run. A few laps later he got upset and he said he didn't want to run anymore and I told him it was fine. He didn't need to. I took him to get some more water and we came back in and I walked by his side with little D. We got to where he needed to get his t-shirt marked and after that he finished it all by himself!

We are so proud of our boy! He is a great runner and one happy boy :)

Watch this little video of him running...

And some pictures...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I've been thinking lately that the internet and my phone are very distractive. If I use it to check my email, I end up checking Facebook and the blogs I like to read. All this is more challenging when everything nowadays happens through email or social networks. But, I've gotten better at determining the time I stay connected and I also try to stay busy to avoid staying connected too long, and the boys and I are doing a lot more in-and-out-of-the house activities. 

I've learned to balance my computer time so I can do the things I want to do and need to do. Setting priorities is very important and that is what I'm doing. I don't want my life to be dependent of social networks or blogs. I don't want to waste hours sitting and browsing when I can go to the park, exercise or do something I like, or been procrastinating to do. I will, however, continue with this blog, but the amount of posts may diminish. And even though I would really like to post every thing that goes on with us and the kiddos, I know what it's best for me.  

I hope everyone continues to have a great week and if you are not having a good one, hang in there, we are half way through! 

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I've been trying to write this post since Monday, but I erase what I write and start over again. This time, it may stay the way it is.

Joe and I went to Kairos this just past weekend. We went from Thursday to Sunday. Joe was the leader of the team and I joined the kitchen team. 

Joe has been trying to explain to me the meaning of this weekend for probable 5 years now. And I couldn't really understand it until I went to Cursillo on September. It is a similar weekend but Kairos is for prisoners, and it is sort of a spiritual retreat to bring the message of God's love. 
This time, I decided to join the kitchen team because I thought it was a great opportunity for me to share this special time with my husband - being the Leader for the weekend. It was the perfect time to begin to share something special together. 

But what is Kairos and its mission?

"The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen." -Taken from Kairos website-

Joe spent a lot of time preparing for this weekend and he did a great job. Everyone complemented him greatly and said really nice things about his job and him.  That, to me was very emotional, and I felt very proud to have him as my husband and father of my children. He's come really far to be where he is and he continues to work hard to do so. He has also made me a better person and inspires me to be a better Christian and woman. 

I don't have enough words to express the love I have for him and everything he means to me and others. I will continue to work together with him and support him. He and the Kairos team do an AMAZING job! Yearly, they give the opportunity to prisoners to realize and remember that they are not forgotten and they deserve a chance. Many, I am sure, got the point of the whole weekend, while for others, I hope it clicks in soon and gets to them. Only God knows their hearts.  

Lastly, we want to say thank you for all your prayers and spiritual support. The weekend was all worth it...

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I've learned...

Going to schools to help translate is a rewarding experience. Specially when you see little children full of kindness, love, happiness and understanding.

I have learned that...

Children love their parents more than we can even imagine

Children are full of hope and love

We have to cultivate love, compassion and kindness from an early age

Children don't care about the color of your skin, mental state or what language you speak, all they want is to be friends.

We cannot leave everything to their school teacher; we as parents have to be the guidance and main teachers of our children.

Not because children speak and walk should they be ignored, they are fragile and need attention. 

They love to be told how smart they are and what a great job they do.

They want to learn

They are curious

They are smarter than we think they are 

Children are awesome and we have so much to learn from them!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Birthday Halloween Bash

On Sunday we celebrate our little boy's second birthday. This is our second year to do it as a Halloween theme, and we take advantage of the October month to do it. We dress up and have lots of fun.
It is a little overwhelming when you plan a party because you want everything to turn out nice and everyone to feel comfortable. I like to bake the cake and the cupcakes for the party, so that adds a little more to the "to do" list, even though I try to simply as much as possible. 
I usually have a lot of help from my mom, sister and aunt who come a day or two earlier to visit, and honestly I don't know what I would do without their help. They are amazing ladies! This time my mom and sister helped me decorate the cupcakes and we had fun laughing and making fun of some of cupcakes, while drinking a glass of red wine. What better than that?! Some were eaten along the decoration process :) Not arm- twisting for that!

So this is a little something from the party the rest of the pics are on Facebook - it takes a lot longer here.

We had a great time and above all, little D had a really good day and enjoyed his party with all his friends and family. Did I tell you that he fell asleep in the middle of the party? He heard his brother and cousin playing and screaming, so he lost all interest in napping earlier that day. We let him take a power nap and then got him at the time for the pinata. 

I hope you all have a great week and I don't about you, but where we are the weather has definitely gotten colder. Summer is way behind us. It is now time for some cozy and warm clothes and fuzzy sweaters:)

Take care...

Friday, October 14, 2011


The boys made some paintings for their daddy for his birthday. I meant to post this video but I got busy, so he you go...

How about that? Quite the artist eh?

They really love to paint, and I know I say it a lot but they really do. It gets pretty mess, but the reality is that it is a happy colorful mess! :)

On another note, A has decided that he wants to wash the dishes now. He has always been very helpful and since little, he's always like to help around the house. Crazy don't you think? I mean, he is how old?

Little stinker, I  LOVE HIM!

And how about this other one?

He just decides that he should grow up as fast as possible!

Not fair :(

He also likes to carry his toys everywhere he goes. Sometimes he's got so many, he can barely carry them all together. It's pretty hilarious when he drops one and then he tries to get the one it fell and the while he is doing that, another falls down and it repeats until he lets us help him. This happens EVERY DAY :)

"Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the most important of all the things we can give them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children."
- Rosaleen Dickson

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Monkey Lu is 2

Our monkey lu is 2 ! 

Monkey Lu is the nickname I gave him because he really is a monkey and one day the Lu just came out. So now, he is monkey lu.

We love him! He fills our lives with joy and silliness. It is really amazing to have him in our lives. We enjoy his presence and company and the snuggles he shares with us. He is A's best friend and our baby boy. 

We wish him the best for today and always. Happy Birthday sweetie!

We love you from here to the infinite and beyond!:)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Parade and State Fair

So this weekend we were quite busy. We went to the Homecoming Parade and the State Fair. I had never been to the parade, and I have to say that it was quite good and better than what I imagine. 

This last picture I thought it was pretty funny. It came from the Accounting school of UA :)

Later that day we went to the State Fair. This year was in a much better and safer location we thought. They boys got to ride in just a few of the attractions, because everything is else was for older children, that's why we decided to skip a couple of years and take them back when they are old enough to ride the rest. 

Did you notice the last picture of D "crying"? Ha! He was like that everytime we got him out of a ride. Yep, all fake. Kinda.:)

After a fun-filled family day, I, later that night I went out to eat to celebrate one of my friends birthday, just the girls :) It is nice to have just a girls nite even if you just eat, drink and talk the night away don't you think?

Anyway, Sunday was pretty normal. With the exception of a 2 hour nap we all took. Awesome! A quite peaceful nap time that left all of us happy and rested.
That day later in the afternoon the boys and I went to visit Grandad Charlie and Diane while Joe went to work on Kairos. Did I tell you that he is going to be the Leader for this coming Kairos? I'm so proud of him and he is doing a great job.

Once we were back home and the boys had gone to bed, Joe and I sat down to watch the final episode of season four of our favorite t.v. show, Breaking Bad. Have you watched it? It is REALLY good! If you have Netflix, go and add it your queue, BUT watch it from the beginning. Don't cheat. You'll love me forever for telling you to watch it.

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This little dude...

our monkey lu

is almost 2

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello There!

Are you enjoying this beginning of the fall season?

We are! 

Fall is my most favorite season. The weather is perfect to be outside long enough without getting uncomfortable because it is too hot or too cold. I just love it. And it also means, camping season! 

Anyway, we've been spending a lot of time in the park and who wouldn't with this weather.

We had a lovely visit over the weekend and the boys and baby girl had a great time playing, chasing each other, screaming, and playing hide and seek. I wish we had taken a picture of the three of them counting against the wall. I did get some pics with my phone, and I kind of like the blurriness/motion of them.

They really had a great time and so did I and my friend Jayma. I love her because she is one of those women whom you can talk to about soulful stuff and really just about anything. 

Anyway, so Alabama won the football game on Saturday! Roll Tide! Do you think we can go undefeated this season? I hope so! 

Well, so I thought I would pop up and say hello. We hope everyone is doing really well. 

Peace and Love

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