Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I've been trying to write this post since Monday, but I erase what I write and start over again. This time, it may stay the way it is.

Joe and I went to Kairos this just past weekend. We went from Thursday to Sunday. Joe was the leader of the team and I joined the kitchen team. 

Joe has been trying to explain to me the meaning of this weekend for probable 5 years now. And I couldn't really understand it until I went to Cursillo on September. It is a similar weekend but Kairos is for prisoners, and it is sort of a spiritual retreat to bring the message of God's love. 
This time, I decided to join the kitchen team because I thought it was a great opportunity for me to share this special time with my husband - being the Leader for the weekend. It was the perfect time to begin to share something special together. 

But what is Kairos and its mission?

"The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen." -Taken from Kairos website-

Joe spent a lot of time preparing for this weekend and he did a great job. Everyone complemented him greatly and said really nice things about his job and him.  That, to me was very emotional, and I felt very proud to have him as my husband and father of my children. He's come really far to be where he is and he continues to work hard to do so. He has also made me a better person and inspires me to be a better Christian and woman. 

I don't have enough words to express the love I have for him and everything he means to me and others. I will continue to work together with him and support him. He and the Kairos team do an AMAZING job! Yearly, they give the opportunity to prisoners to realize and remember that they are not forgotten and they deserve a chance. Many, I am sure, got the point of the whole weekend, while for others, I hope it clicks in soon and gets to them. Only God knows their hearts.  

Lastly, we want to say thank you for all your prayers and spiritual support. The weekend was all worth it...

Have a great week!

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